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puce Management
The General Assembly

Assemblée Générale d'AGTER. Mai 2015. Salle de conférence du Jardin Tropical.

The General Assembly constitutes the higher level of management of the association AGTER.

All members, as well as the members of honour, are part of the AGTER’ s General Assembly.

The General Assembly meets at least once a year.

The Council of Administrators

The association is managed by a Council of administrators composed of four to twenty members who are elected by the members of the General Assembly for a two years mandate.

The Council is the collegiate executive instrument of the association. It delegates a part of its functions to the employed Coordinator.

As of September 24, 2021, administrators are :



Robert Levesque


Former Director of Terres d’Europe - SCAFR Research Departement



Vice president

Samir El Ouaamari

Associate Professor, AgroParisTech, UFR Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Developement

Agronomist (University of Madrid). PhD in Geography. University of Paris West. (Thesis : Paysanneries amères au berceau de l’or brun : développement caféier et dislocation des sociétés paysannes du sud-ouest éthiopien)




Elisabeth Müller

Retired Accountant.

Former Administrative and Financial Director of AVSF (Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières).



Vice Treasurer

Denis Pommier


In depth experience in Central America as an international consultant.
He has been working in Tunis with the European Union Delegation.




Bernard Roux

Agronomist. Academy of Agriculture.

(Agricultural policies, agricultural development, family farming, Brazilian agriculture, rural economy)



Vice Secretary

Emma Tyrou

PhD student at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) (analysis of land reforms, formalization programs and land grabbing in Brazil, to explore the role of the state in property rights from an institutional and political economy approach).

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Other members of the Board

Membres institutionnels

Association Terre de Liens. Représentée par Freddy Le Saux.


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Membres individuels

Adrien Baysse-Lainé

Geographer. Research fellow, CNRS.



Omar Bessaoud

PhD in economics.

Lecturer and researcher at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAM), France, in the field of "Rural societies and development engineering".

France, Algeria


Christian Castellanet

Agronomist and ecologist (PhD Institute of Ecology – UGA- USA) specialized in Natural Resource Management and governance. He has been involved with Gret (an INGO based in France) in international cooperation in the field of action research for rural development and natural resource management in West Africa, Carribean, Brazil and more recently South East Asia, where he has been involved in the Mekong Region Land Governance Project, based in Vientiane (Lao PDR) from 2014 to 2018. Since July 2018, he is working at part time with Gret, and part time Associate expert with AGTER.



Frédéric Dévé

Agronomist. Retired FAO consultant.

Frédéric Dévé directed the FAO’s Roles of Agriculture program (ROA) during its first phase, from 2000 to 2003.



Léticia Doorman

Freelance Consultant

Argentina, France


Olivier Ducourtieux

Associate Profesor, AgroParisTech, UFR Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Developement



Paolo Groppo

Retired FAO consultant.



PNG Gérard Leras

Former special advisor for land policy at the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council. Former dairy farmer.

(Land and agricultural policies, land use planning. Also contributed to the deployment of a program to support the food autonomy of livestock in the Rhône-Alpes Region and to the structuring of numerous producer groups for the sale of their products in short circuits).



Pablo Prado


Profesor at San Carlos University, Guatemala Ciudad.



Mamy Rakotondrainibe

Chair of TANY Collective for the Defense of Malagasy Lands

France, Madagascar

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Former Presidents

Hubert Cochet


Professor of Compared Agriculture at the “Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon” (National Institute of Agronomy Paris Grignon). H. Cochet is a specialist of agrarian systems dynamics, and of the impact of development policies and projects on these dynamics.


President of AGTER from 2005 to 2011.

Vicent Garcés

Vicent Garcés, Spanish. [Honorary Member of AGTER]. V. Garces is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He worked in the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture during Salvador Allende’s government. He coordinated the International Committee of the World Forum on Food Sovereignty (Havana, Cuba, 2001). He was the main facilitator and the coordinator of the World Forum on Agrarian Reform (Valencia, December 2004), and facilitator of the World Social Forum’s workshop on food sovereignty and access to natural resources.


President of AGTER from 2011 to 2012.

Denis Pommier


In depth experience in Central America as an international consultant.
He has been working in Tunis with the European Union Delegation.


President of AGTER from 2012 to 2018.


AGTER. Adresse : 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX, FRANCE

Téléphone : +33(0)1 43 94 72 59 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
E-mail : agter@agter.org   Flux RSS Flux RSS
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