AGTER, une association pour contribuer à Améliorer la Gouvernance de la Terre, de l´Eau et des Ressources Naturelles


COP21 : Sustainable development goals unattainable unless global warming is kept below 1,5°C

From november 30 to december 11, 2015, the States Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will negotiate a binding, universal agreement that will enter into force in 2020. Coordination SUD and its members expect the States to make ambitious commitments compliant with IPCC recommendations and will be calling for decisions that bring about vital, in-depth transformations to our economic model. At the end of September, these States
adopted the Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 goals to be implemented by 2030. They cannot refute this Agenda during the COP21 by subscribing to commitments that fall short of the related stakes and challenges. Poor people and countries are the first to be affected by climate change. Development efforts for both rich and poor countries will fail unless adequately funded solutions that induce systemic change and are guided by clear principles, particularly in terms of human rights, are adopted.

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COP21 : Coordination Sud point of vue