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puce The coalition for a law to preserve and share land in France

AGTER with Terre de liens and the Confédération Paysanne lead the Land Coalition. This Coalition aims to bring together civil society organizations to influence land policies in France.

In 2021, the Coalition followed the evolution of the parliamentary bill on the regulation of the market for shares in agricultural production companies and on companies owning agricultural property (land and buildings). The basic principle is to establish a system of administrative authorizations for transfers of shares (or social shares), a principle put forward by AGTER and Terre de liens in its 2018 document "Preserving and Sharing the Land".

In 2022, in view of the presidential election and especially the next legislature, AGTER and Terre de liens intend to update and deepen the proposals made in the document "Preserve and Share the Land" with the support of other members of the Land Coalition.

AGTER will assist Terre de liens in the elaboration of its first report on "The state of the land in France" which they would like to update every year (planned for February 2022).

In addition, Friends of the Earth is launching a campaign against land concentration that could last until 2025. This campaign will be followed by the Land Coalition.


AGTER. Addres: 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 NOGENT SUR MARNE CEDEX, FRANCE

Telephone: +33(0)1 43 94 72 59 / +33(0)1 43 94 72 96
E-mail: agter@agter.org   RSS feeds RSS feeds
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