AGTER and CERAI are in charge of the WFAL permanent secretariat, and represent the organizations and individuals who have signed the call to organize the WFAL (see landaccessforum.org, list and signatures). They will be moderating two workshops at the 2015 World Social Forum :
WFAL Workshop – 1. Land and natural resource grabbing : state of the situation Thursday 26 of March, 15h00 - 17h30 (Quartier Planète, Reading room SLB)
What kinds of land and natural resource grabbing exist today, and what is the true extent of the phenomenon ?
What broad causes can we identify ? (financial and economic interests, major policy trends...)
How do land and natural resource grabbing impact society ? (Cultural, environmental, economic impacts / impact on human rights / impact on peace)
How are communities resisting land grabbing ? What is the state of current movements against it ?
What is the scope of existing institutional reponses to address land and natural resource grabbing ?
WFAL Workshop – 2. Land and natural resource grabbing : reverse the situation ! Saturday 28 of March, 8h30, Quartier Planète, Room SP16
What solutions ?
What actions should be taken to get these solutions implemented ? What strength and what alliances should be developed ?
The following individuals will introduce the workshops :
— Samir Amin (Third World Forum, Egypt)
— Ibrahima Coulibaly (CNOP, Mali)
— Olivier de Schutter (former Rapporteur Special of the United Nations on the Right to Food 2004-2008)
— Ramesh Sharma (Ekta Parishad)
— Vicent Garces (president of the WFAL International Organizing Committee)
— Marcel Mazoyer (AgroParisTech and Universite Paris Sud, France)
The WFAL workshops will give World Social Forum participants the opportunity to share their experiences, observations, and proposals with the organizations and individuals involved in the organization of the WFAL. The WFAL organization process will last from now until the beginning of 2016, when the international forum takes place. With the approval of World Social Forum participants, their contributions will be included in reports that will be shared with WFAL participants and with the public through various means (landaccessforum.org, websites of organizations and individuals who have signed the call to organize the WFAL 2016, electronic and paper newsletters or reports, etc.)
The World Social Forum in Tunis provides an essential space for the development of alternatives. It is an essential step for the WFAL to develop the farmer and other civil society organizations work together. The analysis and proposals that they share during the workshops will be notably directly confronted to the ones of governmental institutions representatives during events that will follow the Tunis Conference.